Upcoming meetings

26th April - St James, Ashworth Valley

As well as our usual meeting, this will be our AGM. The formal notice and confirmation of the time will be sent to members. 26th April is the RCO's "International Organ Day 2025" and we will be meeting at St James Church, Ashworth on the edge of Heywood. The organ is by George Benson and though small, gives a good account of itself. G00204

The church is in a very rural location, down a small lane. If using satelite navigation 53.621328, -2.227113 or the Plus Code JQCF+G5J Rochdale, UK may be helpful.

We also hope to visit the the church of St Michael at Bamford, which is part of the same benefice of Norden, Ashworth & Bamford. The organ there was restored in 1983 by Nicholson after original work in 1908 by William Hill & Son. Details are at N01510. St Michael's is on Bury & Rochdale Old Road, Bamford, Heywood OL10 4BB.


Other Greater Manchester IAO associations

As we are near to many events planned by the Manchester Organists' Association and by the Oldham Rochdale & Tameside Organists' Association, links to their events pages can be found here. If you are not a member of those associations, always check if non-members will be welcome at any specific event.

MOA logoORTOA logo

Past meetings

17th March at 7:30 pm - St Stephen & All Martyrs, Lever Bridge

A good crowd of parishioners came along to welcome members of the Bolton Organists' Association to St. Stephen & All Martyrs in the Haulgh, Bolton. The extensive use of terracotta including for pew ends and infill panels gives the place the 'pot church' nickname.

The organ appears to be the original one, built by Bishop & Son of London and though the case is of carved wood, it is painted to match the terracotta. Although minor tonal modifications may have been made, it is largely original and retains the unusual feature of having the Great to Pedal coupler duplicated on both stop jambs.

Sadly, the Bishop organ, not yet listed on the NPOR, had a ciphering Bourdon that proved inaccessible for a temporary fix but it was amazing how we managed to listen beyond the drone! Home baked hospitality completed a very convivial evening.

The church is at Lever Bridge on Radcliffe Road, Haulgh, BL2 1NZ.


8th February at 2:30pm - 'Organs of the World' - St Paul's Church, Halliwell, Bolton

Around 20 gathered for a joint meeting of the Bolton and Manchester Organists' Associations when Mel Plumley provided an audio and video illustrated and totally personal and highly partial overview of 'Organs of the World'. We were welcomed to St Paul's Halliwell in Bolton by the vicar, Roger Petch and by member of the clergy team, Rev Michael Taylor who is the organist and a BDOA member. Michael also provided short talk about the organ in the West gallery. It is an important historic survivor, carrying the maker's plate of Sarah Renn, wife of Samuel. This highly original organ has obvious similarities to the well known examples at Gt Budworth and St Philip's, Salford and there is little wonder it has a Grade I Historic Organ Certificate. It awaits a restoration project and the pedals are not presently in operation. Full details are at N10666. The church is on Halliwell Road, Bolton, BL1 8BP.

11th January 2025 - New Year lunch at 12:30 pm - Ridgeway Arms, Blackrod

We attempted this gathering last year but temporary circumstances meant very few could manage to attend and it was cancelled. This year's event went ahead and proved most enjoyable for all present.

The feeling was that we may well be happy to return to the same venue in 2026. It not only has a car park, but also bus connections and is just 300 yards from Blackrod Station on the Bolton-Preston-Blackpool North line.

25th November at 8:00 pm - St Matthew's Church, Little Lever

This E G Paley church had an organ provided by Sheffield based builder, Brindley & Foster in 1884. It was enlarged by them in 1911 and at some point gained a couple of couplers, removed in a 1991 restoration by David Wood of Huddersfield. What is there now is essentially the 1911 instrument.

Ten members from the Bolton and the Manchester Organists' Associations gathered in a joint meeting to hear resident organist Mark Brocklebank describe and demonstrate the organ. Member exploration of the organ, as well as the all important tea and coffee, then followed.

The church is on Market Street, Little Lever, BL3 1HH and the organ details are at N00810.

14th October at 7:30 pm - Christ Church, Heaton

Eight members gathered to explore the organ of Christ Church. The building dates to 1896 and the present organ has Willis roots but had a Hill Norman & Beard rework. It is a good few years since the BDOA previously visited the church, perhaps an oversight for a significant instrument well within Bolton's boundaries.

The church is on Chorley New Road, Bolton BL1 5AH. Organ details are at D07688.







16th September at 7:30 pm - Church of the Ascension, Salford

Our first meeting of the Autumn session was at the rebuilt church with its 2023 organ. We visited here last year as part of a joint event with organists from all over NW England but the crowd meant there was no time for everyone to explore this exciting instrument for themselves. This time it was a small group of only six BDOA members and some visitors.

Henry Groves & Son of Nottingham created this organ using vintage Nicholson pipework, a new Tuba on 12" wind from Booths of Leeds and Groves own direct-electric action soundboards. The total of 52 stops are controlled from a 3 manual moveable low-level terraced detached console built by Renatus of Bideford.
The church is on Ascension Road, Salford, M7 1AG and organ details are at S00179.

13th July at 10:00 am - Blackburn Cathedral & St Silas, Blackburn


As in other recent years, in July we had a joint summer trip with the Oldham, Rochdale & Tameside Association. Unlike other times, this was not a coach trip but a more local one with members making their own way for a start at Blackburn Cathedral. Our host was Organist in Residence, John Hosking.

He demonstrated the cathedral's 1969 Walker organ, designed by John Bertalot and Francis Jackson and enhanced in 1994 by David Wood. The full details canbe found at A00531.

Members then lost no opportunity in exploring the organ for themselves. The cathedral also houses the Checks & Greys café where we took lunch.




After the cathedral, it was a short distance to Preston New Road on the west side of Blackburn to St Silas Church, where, other than minor changes, the organ is in essence an early 20thcentury Harrison & Harrison. The organ details are at N01640 and we were welcomed by resident organist, David Brindle.


Monday 20th May at 7:30 pm - Church of the Nazarene, Daubhill

A dozen members were welcomed to the church in Daubhill (pronounced "Dobble" locally) in Bolton by resident organist, Peter Barnes, his family and also the minister. Peter explained the history of the instrument which was built in the 1960s by his grandfather, 'Frank' Barnes. It was a hybrid from the start, using parts from several obsolete local organs and a console from Northern Ireland. The development of the instrument continued in the hands of his son, David, who we were sorry to learn had been looking forward to our visit but didn't survive long enough to be there.

Peter demonstrated the organ which had its latest enhancement about ten years ago when the pedal section was expanded with the addition of some digital stops provided by local company, Phoenix, making it truly a hybrid in the modern sense. The Choir action is in need of renovation but the addition of the Phoenix technology has allowed a toggle switch to engage either the pipework, or digital alternatives which include a forceful Tuba on the Trumpet stop tab. The organ's overall effect is of fine delicate colours when played quietly as well as plenty of assertive power when required. Members then explored the organ for themselves, breaking off to enjoy not only tea and coffee but a fine selection of cakes that the church had provided.


Saturday 20th April at 2:00 pm - AGM & recital St Bartholomew's Church, Westhoughton

After an absence of five years, we returned to St Bart's in Westhoughton. After an uneventful AGM at 2:00 pm, we were treated to a public recital at 3 pm by resident organist Edward McHale. At 4pm the church provided a diverse range of refreshments.

This was a timely schedule as 20th April was also the day designated by the Royal College of Organists as 'World Organ Day', a time for every possible celebration of the organ.

The 1995 Nicholson organ is part of the post-fire rebuild scheme. Organ details on the NPOR are found at D02707 and the church is on Church Street, Westhoughton, BL5 2BG.

Saturday 23rd March at 1:30 pm - St Mary & St Philip Neri R C Church, Radcliffe

Six members and two guests met at the church where the BDOA Secretary welcomed everyone and provided an introduction to the organ demonstratin using a Bach chorale prelude followed by an improvisation on the same tune to explore some of the other sounds. There was general appreciation of the convincing nature of the Content Mondri M5400, though perhaps less so in louder material.

The modern building provides a generous acoustic and as usual we enjoyed refreshments and conversation.

Saturday 17th February at 11:00 am - Church Organ World, Shaw

The BDOA meeting yesterday was a joint one with the Oldham Rochdale and Tameside Association. Almost 30 members and friends gathered at Church Organ World in Shaw. MD Keith Harrington first welcomed us and provided an introduction to the company, its products and structure. Staff member Matthew Pearson then demonstrated a current Johannus Live.

A generous buffet lunch was provided by Church Organ World and several members purchased music and other items. Over lunch we were accompanied by music from the multiple organs, with some players using headphones so several could play simultaneously.

We then adjourned to the nearby Holy Trinity Church to hear a Makin organ in a church context.


Saturday 13th January 2024 at 12:30 pm - New Year lunch

We had hoped to again gather at the Ridgeway Arms in Blackrod, just 300 yards from Blackrod Station on the Bolton-Preston-Blackpool North line.

Unfortunately, many of us were not able to confirm attendance and so the event is cancelled.

We will look forward to our next meeting.

Monday 13th November at 7:30 pm - Christ Church, Ainsworth

Christ Church Ainsworth

Half a dozen members gathered on a rather wet and obviously dark evening. We were joined by almost as many parish members to hear resident organist, Jenny Johnson tell us something of the history of the organ and and her succession in the role from her mother.

The secretary then provided some background to the history of the W.E. Richardson company which provided instruments to a number of churches in our area. Only a few have ot survived and Christ Church, Ainsworth has a nice little example of his work from 1908. Its details are in the NPOR at D03483. Other than routine cleaning and maintenance it is pretty original condition

The church is on Church Street, Ainsworth with a postcode of BL2 5RU.

Monday 23rd October at 7:30 pm - New Jerusalem Church, Kearsley

The New Jerusalem Church in Kearsley, Bolton has an eight rank Sixsmith organ from 1986. Although built as new for this building, the pipework came from the J J Binns organ in the previous church building.

The church is at Charles Street, Kearsley, BL4 9DD and nine BDOA members were welcomed by organist and church secretary, Mrs Pauline Grimshaw who gave a short history of the buildings and their organs. We were joined by a good number of church members who seemed to appreciate the diverse music offered by the BDOA's players. The organ details are in the NPOR at R01103.

Saturday 30th September at 12:00 till 16:00 - Church of the Ascension, Salford

This was a joint event, organised by the church who had invited members from all the IAO Affiliated organisations in NW England to attend. The church roof and interior was destroyed by arson in 2017 but has been rebuilt. Henry Groves & Son of Nottingham have created a new organ using vintage Nicholson pipework a new Tuba on 12" wind from Booths of Leeds and using their own direct-electric action soundboards. The total of 52 stops are controlled from a 3 manual moveable low-level terraced detached console built by Renatus of Bideford.

Resident organist, Anthony Williams, was host and it provided an opportunity to catch up with friends from around N W England and perhaps to make new ones.

The church is on Ascension Road, Salford, M7 1AG and is just four minutes walk from bus stops supported by various services.


Meetings from earlier seasons are now on the EVENT ARCHIVE page


Honorary Secretary: Melanie Plumley 07799 621954 / info@phmusic.co.uk

© 2025 Bolton & District Organists Association