Membership of Bolton & District Organists' Association (BDOA)
is open to all who have an interest in the organ, whether they are
players or not. The annual subscription for full membership is
currently £20. Student membership is available at the rate of £5 for
those in full time education and aged up to 24 years old. All
subscriptions are due at the time of the Annual General Meeting,
normally held in the Springtime.
To avoid postage costs, whenever possible email is used to keep members in
touch with BDOA business, though of course we are happy to use longer
established methods for those who prefer.
Becoming a member is achieved by attending any of our meetings and
speaking to the treasurer, secretary or any other association official
who will be pleased to welcome you, note your contact details and deal
with any queries. Alternatively, a Membership Application Form can be found and completed here.
Subscription payments can also be sent on-line to the account:
Payee name: Bolton Organists Association
Sort code: 30-91-01
Account number : 0012 9433
A reference of your name should be included so the payment can be correctly credited.
The constitution can be viewed through this
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Data protection regulations came into force on 25 May 2018 that affect
the way in which organisations can store and process personal data,
including contact details. The regulations require that we and the
Incorporated Association of Organists (IAO) to which we are affiliated,
obtain and retain evidence from all members to show that explicit
consent has been given for their personal data to be stored and
processed in the way stated in the Data Privacy Notice that can be downloaded and/or viewed here.
personal data held by the Bolton & District Organists' Association
may include contact details such as name, postal address, email address
& telephone number, and other details volunteered by members. These
details are required to maintain your membership and to communicate
details such as forthcoming events and meetings. Contact details may be
shared with the IAO, but neither the IAO nor the Bolton Organists'
Association will disclose these details to any third party without your
permission. You are entitled to request a copy of these details and how
we process your data at any time. When resigning your membership,
you may request that all your details are deleted and this should be
notified to the Secretary of the association as shown below and elsewhere on
this website who will be responsible for informing the IAO.
though you may believe that you have already given permission to your
association to contact you simply by becoming a member, this is
unlikely to be sufficient to meet the requirements of the new
legislation. Please respond to this note by either writing a letter or
sending an email containing the text:
I, (enter your name here)
agree that Bolton & District Organists' Association and the IAO can
store and use my personal details as described in the Data Privacy
Notice of the Bolton Organists' Association. Date:
Without this
confirmation, it is likely that neither the Bolton Organists'
Association nor the IAO will be able to communicate with you legally.

Honorary Secretary: Melanie Plumley 07799
621954 / info@phmusic.co.uk
© 2023 Bolton & District Organists Association